Author: aslynn

  • It’s unreal

    After last night’s ramblings you might consider it ironic that I’d want to now dig into the dangers of things that aren’t real. I mean, I was in la-la land yesterday, daydreaming some arguably out there things that no reasonable, common sense person would agree had much validity and some would just say are a…

  • The internet is a lonely place

    Just saying.

  • I’m a little weird that way

    I think about odd things and I always have. It helps me see the world in a bigger light. It helps me question things. It helps me find the truth. For example, when I was in third or fourth grade my best friend and I were on the playground conjecturing about where dreams came from.…

  • Sorry about that

    It’s been awhile since my last post. Sorry about that. I recently purchased a new computer to install the blog on so I could take my old computer and build a legacy Windows ’98 gaming machine and since I’ve never ported over a WordPress blog to another machine before I didn’t want to post anything…

  • Antiquing

    I’m usually pretty happy with snow days as I love the peace and quiet it brings and am home most of the time anyway—but goddamn, it’s really pushing into my ability to go antiquing on the weekends and that’s sorta killing me. It’s actually worse because I’ve found half a dozen things on FB marketplace…

  • License Plates

    Did it ever occur to you why cars have license plates? If it weren’t for hit and runs or the use of vehicles to carry out crimes we probably wouldn’t need license plates. Everyone would have a plateless vehicle and the only time anyone would care who owned what was when someone had lost their…

  • Back to reading

    It’s been awhile since I’ve sat down on the weekends to read. My rule was, “Read at least 50 pages, more if you’re in the right headspace.” Today I read around a hundred pages, finishing Russel Brand’s book Mentors: How to Help and Be Helped. I started last weekend but couldn’t quite get in to…

  • Social Contracts and Fake News

    One of my personal social contracts relates to truth and facts, or more specifically news. When I was a kid, back in the 70’s and 80’s, the news was the news. It was truthful, factual, and accurate. There were three stations: ABC, CBS, and NBC. The nightly news had real actual fucking reporters like Dan…

  • Social Contracts Parts Deux

    I’m really not feeling like blogging so bear with me. Early on, there were no social contracts for blogging. In fact, nobody knew what it was. It was the Wild West. The internet was unknown. Porn and a few sites here and there. I started blogging very early on. Around 2000. Had a bit on…

  • Social Contracts

    I started listening to Lenny Bruce’s autobiography How to Talk Dirty and Influence People tonight at the gym. I have to honestly say I payed attention to very little of it. A huge part of that is because of what’s happening health wise to me: I can barely (and sometimes never) multitask anymore. I realized…