Author: aslynn

  • XXYYXYXYYYYYabcdefg…

    I don’t feel like writing tonight but here goes. On my way back from the gym it suddenly occurred to me, as an autistic and “Sheldon” type, that there’s a good solution to the “What am I genetically, sexually, etc.?” question. And it’s not what I see these days in the signatures of fellow co-workers…

  • Other clues

    Quiet. Shy. Serious. Smart. These are some of the words that would have been used to describe me as a kid. Weird. Odd. Eccentric. Those were some others. But never the word: Autistic. Most of us had never heard about autism until the film Rain Main. Afterwards, our whole idea of autism wasn’t of a…

  • Just take your (randomly prescribed) medicine

    The medicine doesn’t seem to be working as well anymore (not that it was anywhere near as good at handling my symptoms as the steroids were). The way I’ve been thinking of it is the new meds were making the intolerable barely tolerable. But not the last two days. A few things could be potential…

  • Gratitude

    According to the internet, gratitude is: “Gratitude, thankfulness, or gratefulness is a feeling of appreciation by a recipient of another’s kindness. This kindness can be gifts, help, favors, or another form of generosity to another person. The word comes from the Latin word gratis, which means ‘pleasing’ or ’thankful’.” It, however, is not something that…

  • Birthday wish

    People listening. Got some, and some amazing ones at that. but a lot of failures today. It’s all I want anymore.

  • Thanksgiving day

    Haven’t written in awhile (obviously). My entire routine is off, which happens when I take time off. I revert to a cat again, staying up late, sleeping in late, and altogether doing what I want when I want. Needless to say, I haven’t gotten a whole hell of a lot done, especially since my mom…

  • Gripe

    We have these wonderful technologies that can pull us together. But they don’t in the least. I thought, thirty years ago, that this is what we’d do as a race. We don’t. We use this to lie, cheat, steal, take advantage, make war. Message me if you disagree.

  • Random potatoes

    Friday. Well, it’s Thursday. I’m lucky enough in America to be able to take days off. I remember jobs I couldn’t do that. I remember jobs where I’d take all the holidays because it was one and a half times pay plus, I had no friends, so working a holiday meant nothing. It was no…

  • A knee jerk reaction

    As I mentioned, I was jogging three solid miles every other day and commuting so unabatedly by motorcycle that I’d put my beautiful black, but largely unused Mazda RX3 up for sale, when suddenly, and without warning, I had to stop jogging. I tried several times over a week long period but every time I’d…

  • Fuck this shit

    I’m in a mood. Frankly, I want to go out drinking and smoking. I’m tired. Tired of the bullshit. And if I could take the week off I would, but I don’t have any more days off. Burnt out. Fortunately I have Friday and next week off. I don’t think I’d be sitting here writing…