Category: Hobbies

  • I’ll meet you again

    I’ve probably mentioned it before, but I don’t have any friends—and to be clear, I mean, I have no one within fifty miles of me who calls me up on a Friday afternoon asking me if I’d like to out for drinks or a movie. I have cats. A lot of cats. And a wife.…

  • Tired

    So tired.  For a few weeks I thought it was for the antibiotics.  But I haven’t been taking them this week because they were wiping me out.  So I stopped and still, at least once during the work day, I find myself falling onto the nearby bed and falling asleep.  I’m starting to feel like…

  • Congress…oh congress!

    Congress is inept. I don’t say that because it’s an opinion I’ve recently come to as I adhere to this general feeling the American public has been overwhelmed with about government; it’s been a realization I had back in the early 90’s when I was first able to vote. Let me provide a recent, specific,…

  • Health Follow Up

    I know, I know, it’s been awhile again. And yes, it’s health related. Here’s the quick follow up. A little over a month ago I was diagnosed with strep B. I wasn’t tested because doctors weren’t listening to me; I didn’t have the typical symptoms of strep throat, but instead because I’ve known for a…

  • Last Night’s Fresh Air

    I’m an NPR junkie. While at the gym yesterday I listened to a Fresh Air episode about an evangelical group called Aliance Defending Freedom. It’s worth listening to. I reference a few random thoughts here. 1. Beware of any American conservative group with something like the name “freedom” in the title. It nearly always means,…

  • No Excuses

    I’ve modified my server so now I can write posts from any linux capable machine on my home network so now I really don’t have an excuse not to write every day (for awhile there it was because I didn’t have my blogging laptop nearby and/or wasn’t putting time aside to sit at my small…

  • This is a test from my other machine

    This is a test…nothing fun.

  • Empathy Not Found

    I subscribe to a lot of Facebook groups. Some are humorous. Some are news related. Some are focused on science, technology, archeology, and history. I regularly add new groups as I discover ones that I hope will broaden my horizons. Included in that are groups from segments of our population that hold opinions highly opposed…

  • The Rivers and the Valleys

    I’ve been having a hard time with this one. It’s been going around in my mind since finishing Helter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi, an amazing read I pushed through in a week, a book my first wife had once read and had only positive things to say about. And because I’m an odd ball the…

  • Happy 4th

    Didn’t get a whole lot done today. Mellow day is a good day. Woke up at 11:30 after haveing a long string of dreams where I was helping my parents move. I was going all over trying to figure out what to pack while they were pretty much unorganize. Part of the dream was in…