Category: Writing

  • Yelping!

    Yelp! Back when I was blogging regularly I frequently wrote reviews. Well, not “frequently” in the “frequently” sense, but every now and then. I did it in part to provide feedback others out there might find useful. Mostly, I wrote reviews to improve my ability to articulate critical observational skills. So I’ve been thinking, why…

  • Pet Peeves: Stupid vs. Relevant

    Whoever is pet peeve free shall cast the first stone. But who among us is pet peeve free? Indeed, what the hell is a peeve? Apparently it is, “a source of annoyance or irritation.” It’s no wonder we make them pets. I believe there are two types of pet peeves. Type I: Stoopid Pet Peeves…

  • Snowflakepocalypse

    I heard the slur “snowflake” about twenty years or so, during the Bush junior administration when it became popular to insult non-Republicans with verbiage that has no meaning. That said, I’d like to talk to you about the Snowflakepocalypse. To quote a famous classic film, “I don’t think that word means what you think it…

  • Organizational Ping Pong

    That was a drama. Version x of my blogging app has problems a and b, version y has problem c and d, and after I spent an hour reorganizing all of my entries Version y wouldn’t open (fortunately, a reboot solved that issue). Okay, I know, boring, but it’s important to get things in order.…

  • Doh

    Speaking of ADH, yes, I totally forgot to write what I was going to write for my melancholia titled post–but on the plus side it does mean I’m giving myself the freedom to free write–so here we go. Melancholy is an easy emotion for me. I thought maybe because I’d battled a severe depression in…

  • Melancholia

    It’s no use setting my weekend alarm for 11am: I won’t get up. Or at the very least, I’ll wake up briefly with a strong desire to throw the phone across the room and hide under the covers like some kinda night creature. So I don’t set it and inevitably I sleep in until a…

  • So many ideas, so little everything else!

    Keeping a tiny notebook and pen nearby at all times (at least around the house) is a new habit. A good one, as it’s making it easy to capture all the various things I want to blog about, a not so good thing in that I’m easily jotting down one to five topics a day.…

  • Wagon Conundrum

    I can never remember if it’s getting on the wagon or falling off the wagon. Anyway, long and short of it, yesterday I had a wagon based event. It all started out innocently enough. I was working–the literal kind one does to earn their daily bread–on a project that should have been complete a month…

  • A Letter to Trump Supporters

    Let me clear: If you still support Donald Trump you’re openly supporting a convicted sex criminal. While he was not convicted of rape, he was convicted of sexual assault as well as defamation resulting in a five million dollar penalty. So to those supporters who claim they support “Law and Order” I ask: how can…

  • Well, we did that again…

    So yeah, it’s been over a week since I last wrote. Wasn’t feeling well. That’ll be a popular but regular topic here (so you might want to get used to it). I’ve been stopping smoking for the millionth time. I’m really good at it. But nicoteen is really good at keeping me emotionally stable, providing…