Sorry about that

It’s been awhile since my last post. Sorry about that. I recently purchased a new computer to install the blog on so I could take my old computer and build a legacy Windows ’98 gaming machine and since I’ve never ported over a WordPress blog to another machine before I didn’t want to post anything while I was getting the new server up and running. Well, it’s up and running. Took me all day, but it’s up and running. Now that I know a bit more about the backup and restore processes I’ll have to write some scripts to keep the entire thing backed up on a regular basis making my life a bit easier moving forward. Now that things are configured I should be able to get back to writing on a more regular basis. And now that I’m feeling a week be better, I might be able to blog something of some semblance of read worthiness.

I’ve been building a lot of little test computers lately. A couple just for playing legacy video games. It’s been fun. And, to be honest, it’s kept my mind off my health, which has been shit for years, but especially so since last July. Fortunately, after going to half a dozen doctor’s and specialists, I think we’ve made some traction. Strep. Yep. I’ve had systemic strep. A little amoxicillin and I’m already getting better. Fingers crossed though, as I think whatever I have is a stronger variant that won’t be kicked out by ten days of a single antibiotic.

Going to go watch a movie on VHS now.

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