Same shit

My wife was asking me last night if I wanted her to look into doctors.  I went on a short, not loud, but emotionally enough charged diatribe about it, amongst other things.  If you have a chronic health condition, especially one that’s hard to pin down, you’ve probably had more than your fair share of doctors that don’t take you seriously.  Hell, in the 20 or so years I’ve been dealing with some significant health issues I can honestly say I’ve only had two or three that I’d put any stock into, and unfortunately the one that would meet with me for an hour, go over results, test, test, and test, send me to the right specialists, etc., hasn’t been working in Oregon for six or seven years.  So I’m completely skeptical of finding a good doctor anytime soon, much less one that’ll actually take my list of symptoms (which I’ve handed to all my docs and specialists last year) and read it.  Had one nurse practitioner respond to it with, “If this was true you’d be in the ICU”–so not just discounting me, but ignoring the fact that I’ve often ended up going to the emergency room only to be sent back home because “We don’t know what’s wrong,” [implicit ‘but’] “you’re not dying.”  Implied:  no fuck off and stop wasting our valuable time.

Anyway, that’s my writing for the day.  I feel better than yesterday, but still slept like shit.  Lots of waking up for no reason, feeling sore all over, uncomfortable, innervated.  Lungs are congested as hell and having a hard time clearing them.  Prednisone would solve the issue in hours, but no, we can’t do that, so last night I did everything else I could when I had an inflammation attack that had my blood oxygen levels yo-yo’ing between 90 and 97, depending on whether or not I’d just hacked up a good lung-phlegm ball.  Finally stabilized myself after four hours as a $2000 useless visit to the ER was out of the question unless I went absolutely unconscious.

Grumbly because I’m tried of feeling sick and will be extra perturbed if I spend yet another four day weekend in bed or at the very least stuck at home watching Netflix and reading books about WWII.


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