Alright, I did it–the weather was simply too good not too–I went for my first outside run in years. It wasn’t easy. One, I’ve never done particularly well in warmer temperatures. Indeed, my ideal temperature range is from 72 to 80 degrees: outside of that I’ve gotta dress up and hunker down or dress down…
Author: aslynn
Obituary for Brad Cruikshank
One of the unique experiences growing up in a small town is spending the first twelve or so years of your life going to school with the same handful of people, kids you saw jump on and off the bus at the same spot every day, kids who may or may not have played with…
12 hour day. 10 hour day. 12 hour day. Early morning meetings. I’m not a morning person. So fucking tired. So fucking tired. I keep trying to get into a normal-healthy schedule. Much easier now that I work from home. Still hard because my job is unpredictable. Usually (in this industry), Decembers tend to quiet…
Generalizations and Projection
Generalizations are dangerous. “All Christian’s believe _________.” “Every Republicans supports ________.” “I am always thinking about ways to become rich and famous.” I try not to use generalizations. When I do, it’s generally intentional. But the reason I wanted to write about generalizations is not in relation to my goal to only use them when…
The Gym
I have gone to the gym four times this week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (today). Given my dislike of public displays of exercise over my lifetime this is an all time record. That’s not to say I didn’t go every other day (or so) when I was signed up for the fancy gym two…
A Response on Facebook Regarding Graham Hancock
Here are a few examples of logical fallacies Graham Hancock uses throughout his documentary series: False Dilemma: Graham regularly reacts to critiques of his theories by categorizing them into black and white extremes where he paints an amorphous “them” (i.e. archeologists, scientists, academics, historians, etc.) as dogmatically holding onto outdated views as he presents us,…
Dreaming of Catatonia
I had this nightmare last night. You know the kind. It drags on for hours and hours (or as I tend to think of it, sleep cycle after sleep cycle), interrupted only by my work alarm which shouted, “Get the fuck up! You don’t want to be going through this anymore you dumbass!!!” and of…
Toys are Fun
Toys are fun, but as you get older, they seem to gradually get more expensive. And that’s a good thing…as long as you’ve recently won the lottery. My latest acquisition is an e-reader call the Boox (with an ‘x’ ya stupid autocorrect!) Note Air 2 Plus. On the face of it, it’s a hyped up…
Writing: Another Frakking Go
I’ve been trying to get into these rhythms. Healthy rhythms. Like going to the gym for an hour directly after work and telling myself it might be worth my time thinking about what I want to write about then setting aside time at a designated time at a natural time at a necessary time later…
Guessing Games
Guessing games are fun. Is it Babesia (that bug I’ve probably been carrying since I caught it at 15 in Australia)? Bartonella (a.k.a “cat scratch fever)? Borrelia (a.k.a Lyme disease—which “doesn’t exist” in the Pacific Northwest)? Or maybe just candida again? Do you have shortness of breath? Chest pain? Constipation? Diarreah? Brain fog? Chronic fatigue?…