I was never a natural athlete. Growing up I would have much preferred a pencil and a pad of paper to doodle in. A quiet corner of the […]
Why I Wrote
It all started with King Koala. Well, that and my dad. He’d written a handful of books while he lived and taught in Australia, around the time I […]
Sleep has always been a struggle for me. Okay, to be fair, the struggle it is today with the miracle medication known as Ambien is lightyears away from […]
Drive to the Beach Day
I know, I know, my journaling capabilities are far from what they should be, what they were, but here goes: Drive to the Beach Day. Today I drove […]
Is it Sunday?
It’s Sunday, but I don’t exactly recall that. Tomorrow’s Memorial Day weekend, so I have the day off, which in itself makes it an unusual Sunday, so it […]
A Very Sappy Dream
Long dreams last night. I recall a subway line going through a shopping mall—as opposed to escelators—much more fun if you ask me. But I don’t recall much […]
Work dreams aren’t the norm except for when they are and when they are they’re not welcome. As with most things this is not always true, as my […]
Proposed AMENDMENT (XXVIII) to the Constitution of the United States
AMENDMENT XXVIII Section 1. The third and fourth paragraphs of Article II, Section I, of the Constitution of the United States, are hereby repealed. Section 2. The third […]
A New Beginning
Writing. It used to be easy for me. Easy-peasy. But then again, a lot of things used to be easier for me. Faith, Hope, and Love, to mention […]
Mom’s surgery and a comparison
I’m in Prineville again. Been here for two days now. Saturday. Drove in Thursday. The plan was to hit the charging station in Sandy at noon, have my […]