Scattered somewhere in the middle of my dreams last night I saw a young woman who was, as near as I could tell, a recent romantic interest. I […]
Memories / One Life Story
A Rainbow Bridge
“Grief relief,” I said, pulling a small bottle of Jack Daniels from the left inside pocket of my black denim Levi jacket. I expected my sister to look […]
Obituary for Richard V. Phay
Richard Vernon ‘Dick’ Phay passed away at his home in Prineville on September 29, 2021. Dick was born on December 18, 1939 in San Jose, CA to Louis […]
Film & Television / Memories / Uncategorized
Star Trek V: Voyage to the Biggest Dick
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, was released on June 9th, 1989. I remember that because I was fifteen years old, sick as a dog, and imprisoned abroad […]
One Life Story
Gossiping Around the Kitchen Table
I didn’t think it would end up where it started: at the kitchen table. And why would I? My parents had raised me with one set of guidelines […]