Author: aslynn
Friday, Friday, Friday
Masking Lies
…on the other hand it could be argued that higher functioning autists are the biggest liars on the planet. Hear me out. Masking. It’s a term commonly used in the community to describe the adaptations autistic people apply to their behavior to better fit in to normal society. In other words, it’s the act of…
Neurotypical Traits (I hates)
Before I begin this tirade, I should note that I have not had an official diagnosis as a high functioning autistic person, but I believe, based on a lifetime of observation, that I have all the traits of what was once defined by the American Psychological Association as Asperger’s syndrome. My personal research into autism…
Twenty one views today. No tits. I mean I have tits, but who’d want to see them? Going to write tomorrow so stay tuned.
Poop time!
Todays work!
Not writing tonight. Putting my thoughts together like a pizza puzzle. Starting to wonder if that’s what I have to do.
Shit posting. There’s no other word for it and it’s exactly what I did yesterday. And that’s okay. Sometimes you’ve got to post shit. And for fuck’s sake, this is my own personally designed, written, and maintained blog hosted on server I built with my own two hands. I’m not making anyone visit—but I’m grateful…
It’s been a tough day. Well, a tough couple of days. Don’t know why my body acts like a piece of shit. And when my body does, my mind does. The easiest way I can related it to you is to say imagine waking up with a hangover that more or less lasts all day,…