Dailies / Politics

A Letter to Trump Supporters

Let me clear: If you still support Donald Trump you’re openly supporting a convicted sex criminal. While he was not convicted of rape, he was convicted of sexual […]


Books from the Weekend

As mentioned previously, last night’s posting got buggered so I’m doing the only natural thing possible, I walked to the neighborhood dive, ordered a shot of Jack Daniels, […]

Dailies / Programming

URL Goes Here

Damnit. After getting into the habit of writing a before bed blog post as my “write a daily blog post” excercise last night I accidently deleted it today. […]



12 hour day. 10 hour day. 12 hour day. Early morning meetings. I’m not a morning person. So fucking tired. So fucking tired. I keep trying to get […]


Generalizations and Projection

Generalizations are dangerous. “All Christian’s believe _________.” “Every Republicans supports ________.” “I am always thinking about ways to become rich and famous.” I try not to use generalizations. […]


The Gym

I have gone to the gym four times this week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (today). Given my dislike of public displays of exercise over my lifetime this […]


Writing: Another Frakking Go

I’ve been trying to get into these rhythms. Healthy rhythms. Like going to the gym for an hour directly after work and telling myself it might be worth […]