It’s been a tough day. Well, a tough couple of days. Don’t know why my body acts like a piece of shit. And when my body does, my […]
I grew up in a deeply religious Christian family; Lutheran preachers in my mother’s blood line can be traced back to ancient Scotland. Yet I’ve dived into Buddhism, […]
For the love of reading
Books. I love books. I’ve always loved books. I guess that’s what happen when you grow up in a household run by high school teachers. My mom was […]
One of “those” days
Do you ever have one of “those” days? I mean, the once in a year or so day where you’re ready to get the fuck out of bed […]
One of Five
Decided to get out today. First day of a five day weekend. Nothing really planned per say, but I’ve needed some time off and I wanted to do […]
Pet Peeves: Stupid vs. Relevant
Whoever is pet peeve free shall cast the first stone. But who among us is pet peeve free? Indeed, what the hell is a peeve? Apparently it is, […]
I heard the slur “snowflake” about twenty years or so, during the Bush junior administration when it became popular to insult non-Republicans with verbiage that has no meaning. […]
Organizational Ping Pong
That was a drama. Version x of my blogging app has problems a and b, version y has problem c and d, and after I spent an hour […]
Speaking of ADH, yes, I totally forgot to write what I was going to write for my melancholia titled post–but on the plus side it does mean I’m […]