Dailies / Politics

A Letter to Trump Supporters

Let me clear: If you still support Donald Trump you’re openly supporting a convicted sex criminal. While he was not convicted of rape, he was convicted of sexual […]


Books from the Weekend

As mentioned previously, last night’s posting got buggered so I’m doing the only natural thing possible, I walked to the neighborhood dive, ordered a shot of Jack Daniels, […]

Dailies / Programming

URL Goes Here

Damnit. After getting into the habit of writing a before bed blog post as my “write a daily blog post” excercise last night I accidently deleted it today. […]



12 hour day. 10 hour day. 12 hour day. Early morning meetings. I’m not a morning person. So fucking tired. So fucking tired. I keep trying to get […]


Generalizations and Projection

Generalizations are dangerous. “All Christian’s believe _________.” “Every Republicans supports ________.” “I am always thinking about ways to become rich and famous.” I try not to use generalizations. […]


The Gym

I have gone to the gym four times this week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (today). Given my dislike of public displays of exercise over my lifetime this […]