It’s no use setting my weekend alarm for 11am: I won’t get up. Or at the very least, I’ll wake up briefly with a strong desire to throw […]
So many ideas, so little everything else!
Keeping a tiny notebook and pen nearby at all times (at least around the house) is a new habit. A good one, as it’s making it easy to […]
Wagon Conundrum
I can never remember if it’s getting on the wagon or falling off the wagon. Anyway, long and short of it, yesterday I had a wagon based event. […]
A Letter to Trump Supporters
Let me clear: If you still support Donald Trump you’re openly supporting a convicted sex criminal. While he was not convicted of rape, he was convicted of sexual […]
Well, we did that again…
So yeah, it’s been over a week since I last wrote. Wasn’t feeling well. That’ll be a popular but regular topic here (so you might want to get […]
Books from the Weekend
As mentioned previously, last night’s posting got buggered so I’m doing the only natural thing possible, I walked to the neighborhood dive, ordered a shot of Jack Daniels, […]
URL Goes Here
Damnit. After getting into the habit of writing a before bed blog post as my “write a daily blog post” excercise last night I accidently deleted it today. […]
Oy vey, it’s going to be a hot one!
Alright, I did it–the weather was simply too good not too–I went for my first outside run in years. It wasn’t easy. One, I’ve never done particularly well […]
Generalizations and Projection
Generalizations are dangerous. “All Christian’s believe _________.” “Every Republicans supports ________.” “I am always thinking about ways to become rich and famous.” I try not to use generalizations. […]