I’m usually pretty happy with snow days as I love the peace and quiet it brings and am home most of the time anyway—but goddamn, it’s really pushing […]
License Plates
Did it ever occur to you why cars have license plates? If it weren’t for hit and runs or the use of vehicles to carry out crimes we […]
Back to reading
It’s been awhile since I’ve sat down on the weekends to read. My rule was, “Read at least 50 pages, more if you’re in the right headspace.” Today […]
Social Contracts and Fake News
One of my personal social contracts relates to truth and facts, or more specifically news. When I was a kid, back in the 70’s and 80’s, the news […]
Social Contracts Parts Deux
I’m really not feeling like blogging so bear with me. Early on, there were no social contracts for blogging. In fact, nobody knew what it was. It was […]
Social Contracts
I started listening to Lenny Bruce’s autobiography How to Talk Dirty and Influence People tonight at the gym. I have to honestly say I payed attention to very […]
Never Forget Goodwill
Don’t go to Goodwill that much anymore. I definitely did a lot when I was poor and then when budgets were tight. Thought I’d check them out to […]
Private Online Sales or “Why so difficult?”
My wife and I are frustrated. We’re frustrated with people who sell things online, say on sites like Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. Let me tell you a personal […]
I knew a long time ago, you know, back in the 1980’s, that people, in general, aren’t good listeners. I think about it most days so it wasn’t […]
Last day to relax
Today’s my last day of R&R. Tomorrow I start in again with work, or more accurately, trying to work with symptoms most people wouldn’t be able to tolerate, […]