Before I begin this tirade, I should note that I have not had an official diagnosis as a high functioning autistic person, but I believe, based on a […]
Twenty one views today. No tits. I mean I have tits, but who’d want to see them? Going to write tomorrow so stay tuned.
Not writing tonight. Putting my thoughts together like a pizza puzzle. Starting to wonder if that’s what I have to do.
Dailies / Music
Shit posting. There’s no other word for it and it’s exactly what I did yesterday. And that’s okay. Sometimes you’ve got to post shit. And for fuck’s sake, […]
Dailies / One Life Story
I grew up in a deeply religious Christian family; Lutheran preachers in my mother’s blood line can be traced back to ancient Scotland. Yet I’ve dived into Buddhism, […]
Books / Dailies / One Life Story
For the love of reading
Books. I love books. I’ve always loved books. I guess that’s what happen when you grow up in a household run by high school teachers. My mom was […]