But my little friend stopped by for a visit
One Life Story / Psychology
Meltdown Fever
I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve probably had a mid-life crisis every six or so months since I was fifteen. I know, I know, you’re all envious. […]
One of Five
Decided to get out today. First day of a five day weekend. Nothing really planned per say, but I’ve needed some time off and I wanted to do […]
I’d like to interview people and post them here, but I’m introverted and terrified of people when I haven’t had a nip. Also, I don’t know anyone that […]
Pet Peeves / Professional
It’s Control-V! Really?!?!?!
“OMG! Really people? It’s Control-V, please!!!” As many other bloggers, there are times when I have to tread lightly. Religion. Politics. Child rearing. Education. Walking across the street. […]