

12 hour day. 10 hour day. 12 hour day. Early morning meetings. I’m not a morning person. So fucking tired. So fucking tired. I keep trying to get […]


Generalizations and Projection

Generalizations are dangerous. “All Christian’s believe _________.” “Every Republicans supports ________.” “I am always thinking about ways to become rich and famous.” I try not to use generalizations. […]


The Gym

I have gone to the gym four times this week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (today). Given my dislike of public displays of exercise over my lifetime this […]

Science & Technology / Writing

Toys are Fun

Toys are fun, but as you get older, they seem to gradually get more expensive. And that’s a good thing…as long as you’ve recently won the lottery. My […]


Writing: Another Frakking Go

I’ve been trying to get into these rhythms. Healthy rhythms. Like going to the gym for an hour directly after work and telling myself it might be worth […]


Guessing Games

Guessing games are fun. Is it Babesia (that bug I’ve probably been carrying since I caught it at 15 in Australia)? Bartonella (a.k.a “cat scratch fever)? Borrelia (a.k.a […]


A Bit To Soon

You’ll have to forgive me, I’m on attempt one thousand, four hundred thirty three, of stopping smoking. More accurately, I’ve stopped smoking successfully a number of times—and as […]



My health is a like a yo-yo. That’s what they call a simile. My health is also a yo-yo, which is a metaphor. In both cases it’s a […]