It’s been a pretty terrible week for my health. Can’t seem to find anything that helps besides laying in bed—and laying in bed doesn’t bring in the pay […]
The Facebook Conundrum
I’ve been a user of Facebook since about 2007. It was a late introduction, given that I’m not predisposed to follow trends (I’ve generally always had a severe […]
If I could write all day…
…then maybe I could get it all out. Or at least, get enough out that I felt satisfied. But as it is, I wake up feeling hung over […]
I don’t like it..but here it is
I’ve been dreading today’s trip to the doctor for three days. Well, correction, not a doctor, but my nurse practitioner, who I’ve only met once before. And I […]
Another clue
I hate dancing. I’ve always hated dancing. And often, I have felt like it’s a shortcoming. But I don’t get it. At least, social dancing, with and around […]
I don’t feel like writing tonight but here goes. On my way back from the gym it suddenly occurred to me, as an autistic and “Sheldon” type, that […]
Other clues
Quiet. Shy. Serious. Smart. These are some of the words that would have been used to describe me as a kid. Weird. Odd. Eccentric. Those were some others. […]
Just take your (randomly prescribed) medicine
The medicine doesn’t seem to be working as well anymore (not that it was anywhere near as good at handling my symptoms as the steroids were). The way […]
According to the internet, gratitude is: “Gratitude, thankfulness, or gratefulness is a feeling of appreciation by a recipient of another’s kindness. This kindness can be gifts, help, favors, […]
Birthday wish
People listening. Got some, and some amazing ones at that. but a lot of failures today. It’s all I want anymore.