Add An Accent, Inc. - A great place to find Fairie Diva art work and figurines by Amy Brown and others.
Affluenza - As defined on the website Affluenza is a noun meaning "The bloated, sluggish and unfulfilled feeling that results from efforts to keep up with the Joneses" or "An epidemic of stress, overwork, waste and indebtedness caused by dogged pursuit of the American Dream" or "An unsustainable addiction to economic growth" or "A television program that could change your life."
American Civil Liberties Union - As described on their website, "The ACLU is our nation's guardian of liberty. We work daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States. Our job is to conserve America's original civic values - the Constitution and the Bill of Rights."
Amnesty International - As desribed on thier website, "Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights."
Amy Brown Art - Amy Brown is one of my favourite artists. See her beautiful work at her official website.
The Central Oregonian - I read news on the BBC, CNN, and Drudge every day but thought it would be fun to add a link here to my home town's newspaper.
Coast to Coast AM - The home page for Coast to Coast AM with Goerge Noory & Art Bell. This late night AM talk show is one of the few dedicated to those wanting to keep an open mind and look at all aspects of life, the universe, and everything.
Daily Zen - Get your dose of Daily Zen here.
Democracy Now! - Is the U.S Goverment really interested in Democracy? Come here to find people that are really interesting in accurate information, true democracy, freedom of speech, and the like.
Disinfopedia - As descrived on thier website Disinfopedia is, "a collaborative project to produce a directory of public relations firms, think tanks, industry-funded organizations and industry-friendly experts that work to influence public opinion and public policy on behalf of corporations, goverments and special interests."
Dylan Thomas Vance - This is the home of an old friend and co-worker who is enormously gifted when it comes to the slide guitar. One of the best guy's I've ever had the pleasure to know and even used my photography in his first music CD.
Enchanted Art & Illustration - I thought after Amy Brown and Brian Freud I wouldn't find another artist as talented in capturing the emotional world of the faerie. Oh, the people you'll find at farmers markets! Check out Abranda Icle Sisson's beautiful work.
Fact - In a befuddled statement by Vice President Dick Chaney during the VP debates of 2004 America was introduced to this site which describes itself as, "a nonpartisan, nonprofit, 'consumer advocate' for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics."
Ghostly Talk - Just a warning, these guys are absolutely and completely insane. They're apt to spend their internet radio shows getting off topic, telling dirty jokes, and giggling like little school girls. They're great and I wanna be on their show! Check out their podcasts!
Goddess Galactica - Goddess Galacta is an "out of this world" host of a public access television show in Portland, Oregon. Though accentric the program is an inspirational source of wisdom and insight.
Green Party of the United States - As described on their website, "The Green Party of the United States is...committed to environmentalism, non-violence, social justice and grassroots organizing."
Human Rights Watch - As described on their website, "Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world."
The Hunger Site - As described on their website, "The Hunger Site focuses the power of the Internet on a specific humanitarian need: the eradication of world hunger. On average, over 220,000 individuals from around the world visit the site each day to click the 'give free food' button and help feed the hungry.
Klock Kits - A supplier for people interested in building hand made clocks.
The Library of Congress - This is the website for the United States Library of Congress which is "the largest library in the world" and provides a plethora of historical and legal information.
Link TV - This is an awesome tv station you'll probably need satelitte to get, news and programs from around the world, uncensored by CNN, FOX, the White House, or other U.S. institutions. Great source for alternate programming!
McAffee's Virus Hoax Page - Information about computer virus hoaxes from McAfee.
McAffee's Virus Information Library - A library of information about most computer viruses.
Michael Moore's Homepage - Now famous (or as some would argue "infamous") Michael Moore provides another view on politics not encouraged by the Bush administration.
National Geographic - Well known throughout the world the National Geographic Society is, "the largest nonprofit scientific and educational institution in the world."
National WWII Memorial - As described on their website, "The World War II Memorial honors the 16 million who served in the armed forces of the U.S., the more than 400,000 who died, and all who supported the war effort from home."
Network For Good - As described on their website the, "Network for Good is a nonprofit organization dedicated to using the Web to help people get more involved in their communities - from volunteering and donating money, to getting involved with issues they care about."
New Renaissance Bookshop - The home page of one of my favourite bookstores.Oregon Museum of Science and Industry - If you have kids and are in Portland, Oregon, OMSI is a great place to spend a day to learn and play, watch an educational IMAX field, or sneak around an old military submarine.
The Pacific Party of Oregon - As described in one of their statements, "The Pacific Green Party of Oregon represents the values of peace, democracy, ecology, and social justice." It is the Pacific NorthWest branch of The Green Party.
Toastmasters International - Toastmasters is an internationally recognized club to help improve speaking and communication skills and improve oneself in a supportive environment.
Rising Sun - This site is for fans of "Cosplay" or "Costume" and "Play". These are people interested in getting together, dressing up in costumes, often as Japanese Animation cahracters, and having a good time.
Ruby Chasm - A place to heal hearts.
Shambhala Sun - As described on their site, "The Shambhala Sun is the magazine about waking up. It celebrates the spirit of wakefulness wherever it appears - in the arts, relationships, politics, livelihood, popular culture, and all the challenges of modern life."
Sonia Choquette - This is the home page of a psychic I read a book by called Diary of a Psychic: Shattering the Myths. Good book, get another perspective on reality.
Spiritual Bridges - Looking to meet the real McCoy? Margi's an Intuitive (capitol 'I') who has a gift that can provide you with deeper insights into yourself. Take a moment to visit her.
Starsiege Scripts - Here is some work I did years back for Dynamix as first a Quality Assurance monkey and then a level designer for the game Starsiege. Admittedly a bit of nastalgia for lil ol' Youth In Asia.
Symantec / Norton Antivirus Virus Information Library - Symantec, home of Norton Antivirus, has this page with a plethora of information about computer viruses.
United Nations - This is the home portal into the United Nations web site.
U.S. House of Respresentatives - This is the official government website of the United States House of Representatives.
U.S. Senate - This is the official government website of the United States Senate.
U.S. Supreme Court - This is the official government website of the United States Supreme Court.
The White House - This is the official government website of the White House and is used by whoever is running the current administration.
Working Assets Long Distance - This organization is a different kind of long distance phone company. A portion of all payments are donated to non-profit groups that are decided on by the customers every year. A good way to help others while chatting on the phone with your family.
For those who are curious here is the Backup of Links on my home machine created by FireFox. Still working on sorting some of it and deleting a few things, but it's here for a short while.