1984 - George Orwell's gripping story about government gone bad. This book is the source of the ubiquitous term "Big Brother". Patriot Act? So Orwell was a few years ahead of his time.
The Ancient Schools of Wisdom: A Selection of Teachings of Ramtha - Compiled by Diane Munoz-Smith. I can't say with any certainty whether Ramtha exists or is purely a fiction created by J.Z. Knight but frankly, I don't think it matters where truth comes from. The sign should read, "Get it here".
Animal Farm - Another book by George Orwell about politics, manipulation, and greed.
The Art of War - Sun Tzu's world famous book about the philosophy of warfare. Or is it about the philosophy of life?
The Beethoven Factor:The New Psychology of Hardiness, Happiness, Healing, and Hope - Paul Pearsall, Ph.D wrote this book about certain kinds of people that use difficult circumstances to grow and evolve in situations others might simply succumb to.
Cat's Cradle - As described on the cover, "Cat's Cradle is [Kurt] Vonnegut's satirical commentary on modern man and his madness...[it] is one of this century's [1900's] most important works...and Vonnegut at his very best."
Conscious Loving: The Journey to Co-Commitment - A Way to Be Fully Together Without Giving Up Yourself - Written by Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., & Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D. this is one of the best books I've read on relationships, in particular stressing the concepts of co-commitment and responsibility.
Diet For a New America - If you saw Super Size Me you need to expand your education and read this ground breaking book on why the average American diet is not only unsustainable but also unethical. If you saw Super Size Me you need to expand your education and read this ground breaking book on why the average American diet is not only unsustainable but also unethical.
The Dharma Bums - By Jack Kerouac. Great book about one man's spiritual quest. Almost cried while reading the trip the main character takes at the end of the book up to Eugene then Portland on Highway 99, a trip which I took by motorcycle almost 50 years later (I started reading the book on that trip).
Fahrenheit 451 - This classic by Ray Bradbury takes a look at government cencorship.
The Fifth Sacred Thing - This book, by Starhawk, is what you might call a different kind of post-apocolyptic book--with hope for the present world snuck in.
The Four Agreements - By Don Miguel Ruiz. This book is perhaps one of the wisest books I've ever read. If I can master these Four Agreements then I will have lived a good life.
Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah - Richard Bach's about learning to fly and have faith.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Another classic by Richard Bach.
The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times - Pema Chödrön, a gentle and intelligent bhuddist, gives wonderful insights into overcoming the most difficult times with courage, honesty, and compassion for both ourselves and others. On a personal note, this book helped me get through an abusive situation without going balistic on someone who others said didn't deserve my understanding.
Positive Discipline - This is the best psychology book on child raising I've read to date and should be a part of every parent or prospective parent's library.
The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran's classic story about a prophet speaking to the masses, this is one of the wisest "non-fiction" books I've ever read.
Slaughter-House-Five - Kurt Vonnegut. As described on the cover this book "...is one of the world's great antiwar books." 'nuff said.
Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert E. Heinlein's classic messiah story. Got water?
Tao Te Ching - Ever hear of Lao-Tzu?
The Voice of Knowledge - Don Miguel Ruiz (w/ Janet Mills) has outdone himself again with a an excellent story where the main character is you! What's the ending?
Your Money or Your Life - Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin write one of the best and arguably the most spiritual and ethically aligned book on achieving financial independence. Suffering from affluenza? Read this book.
Books I'm currently reading:
- C# For Experienced Programmers - By Deitel & Deitel
- Europe in the Central Middle Ages, 962 - 1154 - By Christopher Brooke
- The Histories - By Herodotus (hehe, I've been reading this a bit for years)
- The Salmon of Doubt - Douglas Adams
Books on my reading list:
- The Pleasantires of the Increidble Mullah Nasrudin - by Idries Shah (suggested by a friend and co-worker)
- A Course in Miracles - By the Foundation for Inner Peace
- A Journey Into Christian Art - By Helen De Borchgrave
- Rome - Edited by William G. Sinnigen
- Visual Intelligence: How We Create What We See - By Donald D. Hoffman
- A Political and Cultural History of the Ancient World - By Van Sickle
- Autobiography of Benvenuto Celleni
- The Treasured Writings of Kahlil Gibran
- The Dispossessed Majority - By Wilmot Robertson
- The Motley Fool: What to do with your Money Now - By David & Tom Gardner
- The Motley Fool: Investment Guide - By David & Tom Gardner
- Lord Hornblower - By C.S. Forester
- Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies - By C.S. Forester