I have an idea. It's a simple idea, a solution to a problem, a resolution to dilemma, a mathematical equation simplified to the most fundamental parts then solved with mindful action.I have an idea that's for everyone who's ever been hurt. It's for anyone who carries pain around like a heavy winter coat. It's for those of us who have been deceived, those of us who have been cheated, those of us that look at the future and see the past staring down the years at us.
You don't have to be a Christian, a Jew, or a Muslim to embrace this idea. You don't have to be a Republican or Democrat, an American, African, European, or Australian. You don't have to be old and wise or young and na�ve, rich or poor, strong or weak.
Once upon a time someone abused us. Once upon a time someone lied to us. Once upon a time someone cut our heart and soul into tiny pieces with a meat cleaver.
Somewhere along the line each of us, for whatever reasons, translates this into:
Once upon a time I abused someone. Once upon a time I lied to someone. Once upon a time I cut someone's heart and soul into tiny pieces with a meat cleaver.
I have an idea. When someone abuses us and we acknowledge the suffering it has caused throughout our years we should promise ourselves not to abuse others. When someone lies to us making us distrust so much that we're always afraid, looking cautiously around the corner for the next cluster fuck, we should promise ourselves not to lie to others. When someone cuts our heart and soul into tiny pieces with a meat cleaver leaving nothing but scarring, we should promise ourselves not to cut into others' hearts and souls. With these words we promise not to pass our suffering on to others.
We do this because we acknowledge what others' actions have done to us. Whatever pain and uncertainty is in our hearts and minds, we recognize it for what it is and promise not pass it on to others. On our deathbeds we can look back knowing the lessons we pass to our children are the most important ones of all: honesty, kindness, strength, and courage.
Do with these words what you will. They come the depths of my heart and soul, from the source of my beauty, from the person I am and will always be. May you find that beauty within yourself one day and share it with others.