This page is a thought experiment based on the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon theory that says every actor can be linked to Kevin Bacon by within six degrees of social separation. As such, I'm going to list all famous people I have either met or know someone who knows someone famous or knows someone who knows someone who's famous, etc., etdc., etc. Perhaps someday I myself will succeed in my quest to be within six degrees of the nefarious Kevin Bacon.
The Zeroeth Degree
Kevin Smith - (0°) - Aka Silent Bob, I love his sense of humor. He's on my MySpace friends list (not hard) and has signed one movie poster for me so he's my zeroeth degree of separation.
John Denver - (0°) - Lead singer of the group "John Denver" and a really cool all around hip guy. Two degrees of separation as he talked to my dad while I sat in the back seat of the car in Spokane, Washington when I was three (arguably three degrees of separation as my dad didn't realize who he was talking with but my mom did--but I'm making it a 0° 'cause I was there!).
The First Degree
Albert Einstein - (1°) - Mathematician extraordinaire and hair stylist. One degree of separation via a good friend and mathematician at Rutger's University.
Corin Tucker - (1°) - Lead singer of Slater Kinney and my mom said if I can't say anything nice, blah, blah, blah. One degree of separation as she was a good friend of a long time partner.
Michael Dorn - (1°) - Best known as Worf off of Star Trek The Next Generation and afro god of CHiPs. One degree of separation via a Sci-Fi convention (I chatted with him for several minutes and he made my daughter blush).
The Second Degree
Kurt Cobain - (2°) - Lead singer of Nirvana and soul traveler. Two degrees of separation via Corin Tucker.
Courtney Love - (2°) - Lead singer of Hole and a mess. Two degrees of separation via Corin Tucker.
Dave Navarro - (2°) - Guitarist who's cousin slept with someone very near and dear to me. Oh, the joyful memories!
Jared Rushton - (2°) - The other kid in Big and he was in that one episode of Rosanne, don't ya know. Two degrees of separation via an x who once dated him.
Jackie Coogan - (2°) - Lovingly known as Uncle Fester from the original Addams Family. Two degrees of separation via my maternal grandfather who fought with him in WWII.
The Third Degree
The Fourth Degree
Jan-Machael Vincent - (4°) - My x-fiance worked with his daughter many years ago at a video store in Eugene. She lived in the apartment just below ours.
The Fifth Degree
The Sixth Degree