Category: Hobbies

  • Dreaming of Catatonia

    I had this nightmare last night. You know the kind. It drags on for hours and hours (or as I tend to think of it, sleep cycle after sleep cycle), interrupted only by my work alarm which shouted, “Get the fuck up! You don’t want to be going through this anymore you dumbass!!!” and of…

  • Toys are Fun

    Toys are fun, but as you get older, they seem to gradually get more expensive. And that’s a good thing…as long as you’ve recently won the lottery. My latest acquisition is an e-reader call the Boox (with an ‘x’ ya stupid autocorrect!) Note Air 2 Plus. On the face of it, it’s a hyped up…

  • Writing: Another Frakking Go

    I’ve been trying to get into these rhythms. Healthy rhythms. Like going to the gym for an hour directly after work and telling myself it might be worth my time thinking about what I want to write about then setting aside time at a designated time at a natural time at a necessary time later…

  • A Bit To Soon

    You’ll have to forgive me, I’m on attempt one thousand, four hundred thirty three, of stopping smoking. More accurately, I’ve stopped smoking successfully a number of times—and as so many in my shoes can proclaim, “I’m a professional”—but this time I think it’s going to stick given that one, I’ve crossed the boundary of nearly…

  • Why I Wrote

    It all started with King Koala. Well, that and my dad. He’d written a handful of books while he lived and taught in Australia, around the time I was born. Then in second grade, after I was back in the States and had lost my accent, I penned and illustrated a series of stories about…

  • A Very Sappy Dream

    Long dreams last night. I recall a subway line going through a shopping mall—as opposed to escelators—much more fun if you ask me. But I don’t recall much else. I don’t spend my showers replaying my dreams (most of the time) as I used to (most of the time). I do recall sitting in a…

  • Columbia

    Work dreams aren’t the norm except for when they are and when they are they’re not welcome.  As with most things this is not always true, as my rare jaunts into the early nineties where I’m surrounded by the constant buzzing of McDonald’s fryers and I’m smiling because, despite only taking up a year of…

  • A New Beginning

    Writing. It used to be easy for me. Easy-peasy. But then again, a lot of things used to be easier for me. Faith, Hope, and Love, to mention only three. And friendship to the n‘th degree. Sacrifice. Peopling in general. But sleep, no, sleep has always been a known quantity, a relentless struggle to fall…

  • Sex, Condoms, and Falling in Love

            Scattered somewhere in the middle of my dreams last night I saw a young woman who was, as near as I could tell, a recent romantic interest. I don’t recall what she looked like, only that we were going to have sex, maybe for the second time, and I’d asked her to go find a…